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  • {{p.Title}}
    {{formatPrice(p.Price)}} {{formatPrice(p.PriceDiscount)}} {{formatPrice(p.Price)}} - {{formatPrice(p.PriceMax)}}
With a stylist

Would you like to reserve a special moment with your stylist consultant? It will be our pleasure to welcome you in our boutiques and help you create a brand new wardrobe or a specific look for one of your events.
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Livraison et retour gratuits à l'achat de 150$ et plus*

Free delivery and return on purchase of $150 or more*

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Cueillette en magasin gratuite

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{{ cart.LastProductAddedTitle }}
{{ cart.LastProductAddedPrice }}
{{cart.NbItems }}item(s) in your basket
CartSubTotal: {{formatPrice(cart.ItemsTotal)}}
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{{ wishList.LastProductAddedTitle }}
{{wishList.NbItems }}item(s) in your list
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